As a business, we love being innovative. Somebody has to push the envelope and we're suckers for new ideas and shiny stuff. Here's some of the cool things we have at The Warehouse....

We stumbled across another super cool Swedish guy named Magnus. It turns out he's teamed up with some AI tracking nerds (they may not be nerds but it's an educated guess) and together they created GAMETRAQ.
For a small fee, these cameras record your matches and send you a full review of the game! "How do they do that?" We hear you cry .... well, TBH we have no idea. Probably magic but the techy guys won't tell me (probably because I called them nerds).
Anyway, somehow, straight after the match, you will be sent:
- Individual video highlights
- Tracked time in different zones
- Heat maps for each player
- Rankings for winners, errors, etc
As an Ambassador Club, we will also be helping GAMETRAQ with further development and enhancements.
GAMETRAQ is almost as cool as Magnus himself, and that's saying something!

I know, GAMETRAQ is hardly a 'necessity' but we couldn't resist.

Padelboard by MATCHi
If you have ever entered a sports competition (such as an Americano or similar), knowing what's going on can be difficult. Who do I play next, who is winning or losing, let alone who is who. Well Padelboard (yep, confusing name) by MATCHi makes it all very simple.
You just enter competitions or training sessions through the MATCHi app and then use the app during the event. More clever stuff from the MATCHi folks.

We have teamed up with the gang from Padel Shack who, despite not being Swedish or Spanish, know a hell of a lot about padel. They were very quick to realise the UK needed a specialist padel supplier and have been in the thick of things since 2015! They have a brilliant on-line shop as well as an equally impressive actual shop just down the road in Manningtree.
Together we will provide demo bats on-site and no doubt some events where you can actually try the latest and greatest kit. They sponsor many of the best players in the Country who will hopefully visit us occasionally. They have also offered to help with the odd prize for our club events.
OK, it's only a ball machine but it is one of the best ball machines in the world! Nothing in the padel world comes close to the Shooter (we will have to think of a better name than that).
It's controlled via an app and can feed you all kinds of shots, one or two players, and even random programmes.
Good news, the Dutch are the clever ones responsible for the Shooter. We really needed a break from all those cool Scandinavians :-)